A. Dall'Oca Bianca Oil on Cardboard Italy XIX Century

Male Portrait in Profile

Code: ARAROT0157846

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A. Dall'Oca Bianca Oil on Cardboard Italy XIX Century

Male Portrait in Profile

Code: ARAROT0157846

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A. Dall'Oca Bianca Oil on Cardboard Italy XIX Century - Male Portrait in Profile


Male Portrait in Profile

Artist:  Angelo Dall'Oca Bianca (1858-1942)

Artwork title:  Ritratto Maschile di Profilo

Age:  19th Century / 1801 - 1900 , 20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Subject:  Portrait/Face

Artistic technique:  Painting

Technical specification:  Oil on Cardboard

Description : Ritratto Maschile di Profilo

Oil on cardboard. signed lower right, with a dedication "to friend G. Rutelli". Of humble origins, Angelo Dall'Oca Bianca, even once he became an established and appreciated artist, frequenting the Italian and international artistic-cultural environment, always maintained the bond with his city, a continuous source of inspiration for his artistic production, and for its poor; in 1939 he built the Dall'Oca Village in Verona, for the benefit of the poor of the city, and in 1941 he made a will, leaving all his money and his paintings to the city of Verona for charitable works. His painting was always of a purely realist mold, influenced above all by his contact with Giacomo Favretto who allowed him to enrich his painting technique with bright colors and a large and vaporous style, and by the use of photography as a memory for the representation of truth. . The work, a portrait of a male figure seen in profile, is lively in the colors. It is presented in a stylish frame.

Product Condition:
Product in good condition, with small signs of wear.

Frame Size (cm):
Height: 50
Width: 40
Depth: 4

Artwork dimensions (cm):
Height: 30
Width: 20

Additional Information

Artist: Angelo Dall'Oca Bianca (1858-1942)

Born in Born in Verona from a family of humble origins, Angelo Dall'Oca had to work from an early age as a laborer to support the family, following the death of his father. Encouraged by the fellow citizen sculptor Ugo Zannoni, who became interested in the portrait "My father", Angelo from 1873 to 1876 was able to attend the Cignaroli Academy in Verona, still linked to the traditional subjects of Venetian portraiture and Vedutism. In 1876 he obtained the first appreciation from critics and moved to Venice where he attended free nude courses at the Academy of Fine Arts and the studio of the realist Giacomo Favretto, from whom he also learned the use of photography as a preparatory element of the painting, and added the suffix Bianca to your surname. From that period he began to participate in Italian painting exhibitions. From 1885 he came into contact with the brothers Vittore and Alberto Grubicy, well-known international art dealers based in Milan, who were decisive in encouraging the sales of Dall'Oca Bianca's works and increasing his fame; his presence in the Lombard city also facilitated his acquaintance with Giovanni Segantini, Emilio Longoni and other well-known exponents of the Divisionist current. To complete his pictorial training and consolidate the positive feedback obtained from the critics, he decided to move to Rome where he met people of cultural importance such as Giosuè Carducci, Gabriele D'Annunzio and Francesco Paolo Michetti, with whom he approached the photographic medium that he uses as sketch for the subjects to be transposed on the canvas; in the capital he was introduced to Queen Margherita of Savoy, who commissioned various paintings from him. In this period he participated in the Venice Biennial exhibitions. From 1911, following several attacks by specialized critics and contemporary artists for his painting remained linked to the realist subject, considered no longer current and repetitive, Dall'Oca returned to Verona and withdrew, refusing to participate in the exhibitions, continuing to participate only in the development of culture in his city, fighting for the preservation of its historical heritage. In 1939 the Dall'Oca Village was inaugurated in Verona, built for the benefit of the less well-off of the city thanks to a donation from the painter through the proceeds from the sale of the Ave Maria painting and later expanded with his bequest of 1941. He died in his home in 1942.


19th Century / 1801 - 1900

19th Century / 1801 - 1900

20th Century / 1901 - 2000

20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Subject: Portrait/Face

Artistic technique: Painting

La pittura è l'arte che consiste nell'applicare dei pigmenti a un supporto come la carta, la tela, la seta, la ceramica, il legno, il vetro o un muro. Essendo i pigmenti essenzialmente solidi, è necessario utilizzare un legante, che li porti a uno stadio liquido, più fluido o più denso, e un collante, che permetta l'adesione duratura al supporto. Chi dipinge è detto pittore o pittrice. Il risultato è un'immagine che, a seconda delle intenzioni dell'autore, esprime la sua percezione del mondo o una libera associazione di forme o un qualsiasi altro significato, a seconda della sua creatività, del suo gusto estetico e di quello della società di cui fa parte.

Technical specification: Oil on Cardboard

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