Advances in Linear Logic
Auteur: AA. VV.
Éditeur: Cambridge University Press
Lieu d'impression: Cambridge
Année de publication: 1995
Linear logic, introduced in 1986 by J.-Y. Girard, is based upon a fine grain analysis of the main proof-theoretical notions of logic. The subject develops along the lines of denotational semantics, proof nets and the geometry of interaction. Its basic dynamical nature has attracted computer scientists, and various promising connections have been made in the areas of optimal program execution, interaction nets and knowledge representation. This book is the refereed proceedings of the first international meeting on linear logic held at Cornell University, in June 1993. Survey papers devoted to specific areas of linear logic, as well as an extensive general introduction to the subject by J.-Y. Girard, have been added, so as to make this book a valuable tool both for the beginner and for the advanced researcher.
État du produit:
Spécimen en bon état. Couvrir avec des traces de poussière et des signes d'usure sur les bords et les coins. Pages jaunies sur les bords. Deuxième autocollant de couverture
Code ISBN: 0521559618
EAN: 9780521559614
Pages: tu; 389
Format: Broché
Dimensions (cm):
Hauteur: 23
Largeur: 15
Texte en anglais / Texte en anglais.
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