Michaelou Apostoliou Paroimiai. Centuriae XII. Proverbiorum ex optimis auctoribus Graecis collectae à Michaele Apostolio, Byzantino. Cum V.C. Petri Pantini, Tiletani, versione & notis ipsius ac aliorum doctorum, quibus adagia illustrantur & suis auctoribus assignantur. Cum Indicibus locupletibus Item Patriarchae Gregorii Cyprii Proverbia

Author: Michael Apostolius

Code: LINACL0218676

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Michaelou Apostoliou Paroimiai. Centuriae XII. Proverbiorum ex optimis auctoribus Graecis collectae à Michaele Apostolio, Byzantino. Cum V.C. Petri Pantini, Tiletani, versione & notis ipsius ac aliorum doctorum, quibus adagia illustrantur & suis auctoribus assignantur. Cum Indicibus locupletibus Item Patriarchae Gregorii Cyprii Proverbia


Code: LINACL0218676

315.00 £
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Michaelou Apostoliou Paroimiai. Centuriae XII. Proverbiorum ex optimis auctoribus Graecis collectae à Michaele Apostolio, Byzantino. Cum V.C. Petri Pantini, Tiletani, versione & notis ipsius ac aliorum doctorum, quibus adagia illustrantur & suis auctoribus assignantur. Cum Indicibus locupletibus Item Patriarchae Gregorii Cyprii Proverbia



Publisher:  apud Johannem & Danielem Elsevier

Place of printing:  Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]

Year of publication: 

Product Condition:
Copy in good condition. Binding in full parchment with dust and dirt stains, brown stains on the front cover; visible stitching on the hinges; minimal reddish stain on the spine, calligraphic number on the lower portion and tag on the upper portion, almost completely removed, allowing a glimpse of writing underneath. Calligraphic annotation of location on the front back cover. The binding is warped and partly unglued on the upper portion. Sprayed edges, browned with dust stains. Collational formula: )(⁴, )( )(⁴, A-Z⁴, Aa-Zz⁴, Aaa-Ddd⁴, Eee². Well-preserved cards, slightly browned with some peculiarities to be noted: humidity stains from the front pastedown to the first unnumbered cards, to quinder N, from quinder Aa to Cc, in Gg and in Hh; ownership signature on the first flyleaf; typographical error: page 12 is indicated as 18; brown stains of varying intensity on the first cards and quinderni A, B and G; particularly browned cards in quinder V; minimal hole in Gg on the internal lateral margin, without compromising the text; pencil writings in Aaa4 and Bbb. Text in Latin and Greek in double column.

Pages:  (18),387,(17)

Format:  In eighth

Dimensions (cm):
Height:  25
Width:  18


Second edition, after the 1619 edition, typographically excellent of the collection of Paroimiai (Greek Proverbs) by the Byzantine humanist and copyist Michael Apostolius (1420ca-1478), who lived and taught between Crete and Italy, protected by Cardinal Bessarion, after the fall of Constantinople. The text of the proverbs is presented in two columns respectively in the original Greek and in the Latin translation by the humanist, philologist and Greek scholar Pierre Pantin (1556-1611). A short collection of Proverbs collected by Patriarch Gregory of Cyprus and the Notae in Paroemias Michaelis Apostolii compiled by Pierre Pantin follow. On the frontispiece, a beautiful typographic mark of the publishers Johann and Daniel Elsevier

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